Moving day for the peeps! We pretty much finished the new little Peep House last night. It needs paint and a few minor additions to finish it up, but it's habitable now. I'm even going to hang two hanging baskets of flowers from the front corner overhangs...I'm sure the peeps will be proud to live in such a stylish abode.
The peeps were overjoyed to be in such roomy quarters! I'm overjoyed to get them out of the house and out of five separate brooders from one of the upstairs bedrooms. What a pain it's been to clean five brooders, clean and fill five waterers, and clean and fill five feeders.
When I first released the peeps into the Peep House, they ran and flew and jumped and just went nuts! It was fun to watch them have such a blast and explore their new digs.
I got the old brooders cleaned out and the contents (lots of poop, some wood shavings and newspaper plus bits of chick feed) deposited into one of my black plastic compost bins. Liberal quantities of weeds were added, stirred, and now I'll sit back and wait for the magic to happen. I love compost.
On the agenda for today, which is still overcast and threatens rain: dig up some bamboo from a family a couple miles away who have a lovely stand of it. Yeah, I can be invasive. This will form a barrier between us and the neighbors and will hopefully replace our thinning, aging Douglas Fir row that is now our privacy fence...well, mostly private but rapidly declining to the point of screaming out, "hey everybody, look over here and see what's going on in this yard!" The plus side of using bamboo: I'll have lots of bamboo poles to use in the garden! It's also nice knowing I'm getting some bamboo that thrives in our area....and it's free!
Assuming that keeping my fingers crossed will indeed hold the rain at bay, I'm also planning to dig up some black raspberry canes from a friend and plant those in the berry patch. I want to fill the kitchen window boxes and prepare those for planting, gather some leaves from the ditch just down the road to use as mulch and compost ingredients, plant more lettuce, peas, spinach, etc. etc. The list goes on and on and on...maybe I could clone myself?
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