Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mmmmm, Morels!

Morel Mushrooms--northern Indiana in my brother's back yard

Morels. I consider them to be the earth's most perfect food, and fondly refer to them as "those elusive darlings of the forest floor". Thankfully my husband hates mushrooms, so any that I find are all mine, especially now that my mushroom-loving sons are no longer in the nest here at Cairnwood.

Growing up in northern Indiana, I have fond memories of "mushroom hunting back in the woods". We'd find just enough morels to whet our appetites, but never enough to satisfy our craving for them.

Well folks, it's that time of year again when mushroom hunters will be out in force scouring the woodlands for these nuggets. If you're wondering whether the morels are ready for the pickin' in your neck of the woods, check out this sightings map.

My parents, who still live in northern Indiana, state they spoke with a knowledgeable person recently who claims that this should be a banner year for morels due to certain weather conditions last year. I sure hope so because I've got quite the hankering for morels right now! And if you're new to morels, there are several good websites that deal with morels, including this one.

Mmmmmm, morels....


  1. I wants them!!! Why oh why do they hide from me?

  2. Why oh why indeed! I wants them too!! The folks up Boyscout Road gave me permission to hunt for mushrooms on their property...they called me shortly after 10:00 last night instead of calling 911 for an arm wound that wouldn't stop bleeding. They wondered how much $$ they owed me and I said "nothing...but you could let me hunt mushrooms down there by the stream".... Of course they'd have given permission without the bleeding arm scenario. They're just nice like that.
